发布时间:2010-11-23 浏览次数:2138 文章来源:
现在市面上有产品可以堪称“iPad杀手”吗?这一问题在数码发烧友中早已引发了无休止的争论。然而,从现实情况来看,这些疑问和争论出现得有点过早:在苹果公司发布该产品的六个月时间里,没有任何一家大制造商发布相类似的产品,就更谈不上超越了。从本月开始,iPad总算有伴了,这就是三星最近发布的平板电脑Galaxy Tab。虽然它所带来的体验远没有iPad那样的完美,因此不太可能迫使史蒂夫·乔布斯的杰作退出历史舞台,然而这款搭载谷歌Android操作系统的小机子还是给消费者提供一个真正的选择,而不是跟风之作。(原文请见本报11月12日C10版)
点评:原文作者在写作时用了很多妙词妙句,如gadget nerds, spelling doom, brainchild;nowhere near as polished and complete;a genuine choice, not an echo等等。在翻译的同时吸收这些地道的表达,在具体语境中慢慢琢磨它们的意思,必是其乐无穷也。( 施强国际 陈一锋)
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How you argue with your spouse can actually predict if youll have a long marriage or a quickie divorce. While newlyweds who yell or call each other names have a far higher chance of getting divorced, there is one particularly toxic way to argue that can spell an early end to a marriage: One person deals with the conflict constructively, while the other withdraws. Heres the scenario: A couple begins to argue. The husband calmly discusses the situation, listens to his wifes point of view and tries hard to find out what she is feeling. And then the wife withdraws, stomps out of the room and wont speak to him. Not a good idea if you dont want to get divorced.