
发布时间:2010-03-11       浏览次数:2079       文章来源:


  误译:Toyota has recently returned more than 8 million problematic cars。

  正译:Toyota has recently recalled more than 8 million problematic cars。

  辨析:to return 的意思是to give back,在这里指制造商将汽车归还消费者,是错误翻译。to recall的意思是to take back,指制造商从消费者那里收回汽车,这才是正确翻译

  “召回”的第一个意思是“上级调回或叫回派出的人员”。英语可以译为to recall,即to order sb to return。

  例1.这名年轻官员被上级召回北京。The young official was recalled to Beijing by his superior。

  例2.两国分别召回各自的大使。The two countries respectively recalled their ambassadors home。

  “召回”的第二个意思是“生产商收回有问题的产品加以改正”。英语可以译为to recall, to call back, to call in。

  例3.该玩具公司已决定在全世界范围内召回那些有缺陷的产品。The toy company has decided to call in the defective products all over the world。

  例4.该公司已召回所有出故障的吹风机。The company has called back all the faulty hairdryers。
